ESPRM2024, Programme
Special session
Curently confirmed session
I. Session of PRM Board
The European Survey on PRM education - Aydan Oral
The implementation of revised ETR and EPA - Maria Gabriella Ceravolo
The European PRM Examination: from MCQ making to the analysis of the results - Nikolaos Barotsis
Integrating the European PRM Examination in the National qualification system - Thierry Lejeune
UEMS PRM Section and Board (EBPRM) General SecretaryPhysical and Rehabilitation Medicine (PRM) training and education are of utmost importance for the provision of the highest level of rehabilitative care throughout Europe. The European Board of PRM (EBPRM) strives for harmonisation of training in European countries to ensure the best possible PRM practice (1). For capacity building in training, it is important to know the actual situation in European countries. For this reason, EBPRM decided to undertake a survey to collect detailed information on the status of PRM training within the UEMS PRM Section and Board participating countries.For the accomplishment of this task, a two-step online survey was designed. The first preliminary step of the survey included a questionnaire aiming at the declaration of participation in the EBPRM Educational Survey among national managers, with the request of one response from each country to ensure accuracy of the findings. Additionally, the national managers were asked to make suggestions about subjects and questions to be included in the second part of the educational survey.The main part of the survey include questions on important topics such as duration of PRM training, ratio of academic staff/trainees, logbook, the implementation of the European Training Requirements (ETRs) for the specialty of PRM (a common PRM training framework, which is composed of a common set of scientific and clinical knowledge, skills and competencies, inclusion of Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs), frequency of summative assessments, involvement in research, thesis work at the end of training, quality assessment of the training program, and others.When completed, the EBPRM educational survey will be helpful in strategically planning our educational activities.References1. Barotsis N, et al. Fostering the highest educational standards in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine: The European PRM board strategy for ensuring overall quality of rehabilitation education and care. J Rehabil Med 2019;51(11):828-833.
II. Session of Professionals Practice Committee
Rehabilitation in Intensive Medine- The role of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine -Catarina Aguiar Branco
Clinical Perspectives on Cardiac Rehabilitation Patients with Frailty - Milica Lazovic, Marta Supervia
Long Covid - Challenges, Difficulties and Opportunities to PRM - Xiaolei Hu
PRM Residents ESPRM 2024 Network and Roadmap
Biography - Catarina Aguiar Branco
- PRM Graduated Senior Assistant
- PRM Service CHEDV (H. Feira) Director
- “Cardiorespiratory, Exercise Reconditioning”, “Intensive Medicine Rehabilitation” Units CHEDV PRM Responsible.
- Co-Responsible CHEDV PRM Educational Unit
- University of Porto (UP): Professor Faculty of Dentistry (FMDUP): Physiatry; Temporomandibular Disorders, Orofacial Pain. Investigation with Engineering Faculty. Collaboration with Medicine Faculty.
- Member Medical Ethical Commission FMDUP.
- President Portuguese Society of PRM (SPMFR).
- Director SPMFR Journal (ISSN 0872-9204).
- Member Board Council of Portuguese National Medical Societies
- Co-Author and Reviewer “White Book on PRM in Europe”, 2018. White Book 2007 and 2023 Portuguese translation reviewer.
- Author, reviewer in National / International Journals. Editorial Board Member Porto Biomedical Journal (ISSN: 2444-8664). Scientific Prizes Jury Member. Co-Author in clinical protocols and pathways. Scientific Awards Winner (25 Prizes)
- Member of the Executive Committee ESPRM
- President of the Assembly of Individual Members ISPRM
- Professional Practice Chair PRM Section UEMS
III. Session of Clinical Affairs Committee
Quality Management in rehabilitation - Anda Nulle
CAC accreditation process. Why it is important for the applicant and his team, and how to enjoy the procedure? - Iuly Treger
Geriatric Rehabilitation, what we need to create an accredited facility - Eleftheria Antoniadou
Advancing Stroke Rehabilitation in the 21th Century: From Clinical Practice to Laboratory and Back - Shay Ofir-Geva
From acute department through rehabilitation and back home: regional PRM service for critically ill patients - Lena Lutsky
Open discussion
Anda Nulle, MD
- Head of PRM center of P. Stradins Clinical University Hospital, Latvia
- President of the Association of Latvian Rehabilitation Physicians
- Chair of the Clinical Affairs Committee of UEMS PRM
- Board member of the European Society of PRM
Lecture time: 15 min -
Iuly Treger, MD, PhD, MHA
- Director Rehabilitation Soroka Medical University Center, Israel
- President Israel PRM Association
- Secretary of the Clinical Affairs Committee of UEMS PRM
Lecture time: 15 min
Eleftheria Antoniadou, MD PhD sFEBPMR
- Senior Physician Geriatric Clinic of Centre Hospitalier du Nord, Luxembourg
Lecture time: 15 min
- Senior Physician Geriatric Clinic of Centre Hospitalier du Nord, Luxembourg
Shay Ofir-Geva, MD
Lecture time: 15 min
Lena Lutsky, MD, MHA
- Chief Rehabilitation Specialist Sought Regional Department, Clalit Medical Services, Israel
Lecture time: 15 min
- Chief Rehabilitation Specialist Sought Regional Department, Clalit Medical Services, Israel
Lecture time: 15 min
IV. EARM 1 - Arhitecture and Participation
Architecture and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Centers- Jean Paysant
A new center of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine in a University Hospital in France Process, concepts and issues - Brigitte Perrouin-Verbe
Jean Paysant, Professor PRMDegrees and qualifications:
- Medical Doctor, specialist Physical Rehabilitation and Medicine (IRR of Nancy, France, 1996)
- European Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (1996)
- DEA Biomechanics (Paris XI Orsay, 1996)
- Physical Doctor and Habilitation to Drive Research (University of Bourgogne Franche Comté, Dijon, 2006)
- University Professor (University of Lorraine, 2007)
- Research Team : DevAH DEVelopment, Adaptation and Handicap (University of Lorraine)
Activities:- Medical Manager of Regional Institute of Rehabilitation (IRR) (University Hospital of Lorraine, UGECAM) :
- 180 beds, 220 places for ambulatory and alternative hospitalization
- PRM children and adults (neurology, polytraumatology, pediatrics, locomotion, nutrition)
- 22 PRM-MD- Chief of Service of Reanimation and early rehabilitation for neurotrauma and neurovascular disease (CHRU Nancy)
- University Professor in PRM :
- Academic training : medicine, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, prosthetics and orthotics- Research training for Master and Ph Thesis : biomechanics, prosthetics and orthotics, visuospatial representation and body schema- Elected representations :
- President of Lorraine Institute of Physiotherapy and Occupational therapy teaching (ILFMKE, Nancy)- President of French Association for Prosthetic and Orthetic (AFA, Paris)- Member of European Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (2013)- 163 publications and oral communications
- 75 conferences or communications (10 internationals)
- 20 didactic publications : articles and book chapters
- 85 scientific publications -
Perrouin-Verbe Brigitte
Medical Specialty: Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
IV. EARM 2 - EARM Awards
Chairperson: Gerold Stucky (Italy),
Co-chairs: Henk Stam, Helena Burger, João Pinheiro (Croatia)
This session is organized by the European Academy Rehabilitation Medicine (EARM), under the responsibility of the Prize Committee. The EARM Awards for the years 2022 and 2023 will be presented and delivered.
Each presentation will last 15 minutes, followed by a 5-minute discussion at the end of presentation, as well as the delivery of the respective Prize.
All EARM Members are invited to participate in the discussion of the presentations.
Scientific program
2022 - Dra. Joana Barroso / recorded presentation
Brain Mechanisms of Osteoarthritis Pain.
2022 - Dra. Marieke Coussens / in-person presentation
Participation of Children with Developmental Disabilities Perspectives and Assessment.
2023 - Dra Anke Scheel-Sailer / in-person presentation
Implementation of an ICF-based rehabilitation for patients with spinal cord injury and disorder to enhance quality at the individual, health services, and national level.
Conclusion – Gerold Stucky
Dra. Joana Barroso - Brain Mechanisms of Osteoarthritis Pain
Dra. Marieke Coussens - Participation of Children with Developmental Disabilities Perspectives and Assessment
Dra. Anke S. Scheel-Sailer - Implementation of an ICF-based rehabilitation for patients with spinal cord injury and disorder to enhance quality at the individual, health services, and national level
V. Session Rehabilitation in Emergencies
VI. Improving functioning in patients with musculoskeletal diseases - data from evidence
Chairpersons: Francesca Gimigliano (Italy), Frane Grubišić (Croatia)
New trends in the pharmacological treatment of osteoporosis - Giovanni Iolascon (Italy)
Musculoskeletal health in the light of Rehabilitation 2030 - Francesca Gimigliano (Italy)
From gait analysis to better walking - Frane Grubišić, Igor Gruić (Croatia)
Frane Grubišić (Croatia)Assist. Prof. Frane Grubišić, MD, PhD, specialist in physical and rehabilitation medicine, subspecialist in rheumatology, is Head of the of the Department of Rheumatology, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University Hospital Center “Sestre Milosrdnice” in Zagreb, Croatia.His area and research of interest are biomechanics, spondyloarthropathies (epidemiology, clinical aspects, outcome measures, conservative treatment), rheumatoid arthritis, quality of life of patients with rheumatic and musculoskeletal disease and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal diseases.Currently, he is the president of the Croatian Society for Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine and a vice president of the Croatian Society of Vertebrology. Since March 2023 he is member of the Executive Committee of the European Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ESPRM) and also serves as the General secretary of the ESPRM. In July 2023, he was elected for the position of Vice President of the Mediterranean Forum of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine for the period 2023-2025.Dr. Grubišić has been a National delegate of the Croatian Society of the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Croatian Medical Association to the European Society for Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ESPRM) since 2013 and serves as the chair of the Special Interest Scientific Committee in Implementing evidence based medicine in every day practice. Furthermore, he is also National Manager to the UEMS PRM Board and national delegate to the UEMS PRM Section.He has been a member of the Editorial Board of the scientific journal “Reumatizam” (Croatian Society for Rheumatology) and “Fizikalna medicina i rehabilitacija (Croatian Society for Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine). He is also author or co-author of the number of both scientific and expert publications as well as many congress abstracts from the area of physical and rehabilitation medicine and rheumatology. In addition to that, he is active as reviewer for several internation journals within the field of physical and rehabilitation medicine and rheumatology.
VII. Osteoarthritis
Update in Rehabilitation of Hand Osteoarthritis - Fitnat Dincer
Update in Rehabilitation of Hip Osteoarthritis - Andreas Winkelmann
Fitnat Dincer (Turkey),
is Professor of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. She is an International Evidence Based Medicine Guideline Author ,with 5656 citations and more than hundred papers published including evidence based medicine guidelines, and book chapters and international lecturer ;in “MUSCELOSKELETAL DISORDERS”.She is President of Turkish Society of Rehabilitation Medicine, Chair ESPRM Musculoskeletal Disorders Committee; Scientific Advisory Board Member ;ESCEO(European Society for Clinical ,Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases).She is European Board Certified PRM Doctor and European Board Certified Trainer and expert delegate in Union European Medical Specialists ,European Board of PRM.Prof.Dr.Fitnat Dincer has delivered English lectures both at undergraduate and postgraduate level in PRM to Students of Medicine and to Research Workers and Specialists of PRM for more than 30 years in Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine(English ) in Department of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. -
Andreas Winkelmann (Germany),My aim - as a PRM specialist – is to give individual support for greatest possible freedom for the individually important activities of the person, for funtioning, performance and quality of life.These goals are my PRM targets in the clinical, teaching and research settings.Andreas Winkelmann is …since 2002
- Head and Senior Physician of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (PRM), Department of Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery (OU), Musculoskeletal University Center Munich (MUM), at the Medical Faculty LMU University of Munich
- Head of the Interdisciplinary Pain Department, City Campus at the LMU University of Munich
- Head of the Day clinic for Fibromyalgia, at the LMU University of Munich
since 1996- Teacher and Trainer who delivered PRM-, Pain- and Sportsmedicine lectures both at undergraduate and postgraduate level to Students of Medicine, to Students of Music and Performing Arts, to Researchers, PRM Trainees and Specialists of PRM and other Specialities for more than 25 years at the LMU University Faculty of Medicine in the Departments of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (PRM), and in the late 90ies also in the Departments of Internal Medicine and of Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery (OU)
Since 2000/ 2016 official accredited by the Bavarian Medical Chamber, Germany, as Specialist in- Chirotherapy/ Manual Medicine (2000/2004)
- Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (PRM), (2005, and 2008 as Trainer in PRM)
- Sportsmedicine (2005, and 2016 as Trainer in Sportsmedicine)
since 2011/2013/2019- Board Member of the German Society for Physical and Rehabilitative Medicine (DGPRM)
- Delegate and National Manager Germany, Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Section and Board of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS PRM), European College PRM, Delegate Germany
- ESPRM, Ambassador Germany, Musculoskeletal Disorders Committee
- European Board of PRM certified Fellow and Trainer in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
Since 2008- an Evidence Based Medicine Guideline Autor, with more than 1750 citations and more than 70 papers published including EBM-guidelines, book chapters, RCTs in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (PRM) with focus on Musculusceletal Disorders and Pain Medicine (CWP/ Fibromyalgia and quality of life)
VIII. Treatment of Spasticity and Muscle overactivity – I
Spasticity in neurological diseases (pathophysiological mechanisms, modern diagnostics and treatment) - M. Zampolini
Factors Associated With Favorable Response in Real-World Use of Botulinum Toxin Type A Products for Adult Patients With Upper Limb Spasticity - K. Fheodoroff
EMG and US guided state of the art BoNtx injection for spasticity - S. Kocer
New indications for BoNTx therapy - J. Jacinto
IX. Treatment of Spasticity and Muscle overactivity – II
Intrathecal Baclofen therapy for Spasticity. The pump is in – and now what? - K. Grabljevec
On the recovery of disorders of consciousness under intrathecal baclofen administration for severe spasticity? - E. Pucks-Faes
Surgical Treatment of the Upper and Lower Limb Spasticity - P. Zerbinatti
Multi-modal therapy in Spasticity Management: definition and clinical implications - Rajiv Reebye
This lecture will define the term multimodal therapy approach in spasticity management and address the importance regarding the use of the multimodal approach in spasticity management.It will also differentiate the term multi-modal and adjunctive therapy in spasticity management.The mechanism of multimodal approaches and how it can act both at the central and peripheral nervous system in order to optimize spasticity management will be discussed.This lecture will also address strategies on how to choose specific modalities for the multimodal approach and how it should be considered in order to help achieve patient and team-based active and passive treatment goals.
X. Cochrane Rehabilitation
Chairperson: Stefano Negrini
Providing evidence to the WHO: Cochrane Rehabilitation activities within the Rehabilitation 2030 initiative - Carlotte Kiekens
The Cochrane Rehabilitation ebook revised - Francesca Gimigliano
Rehabilitation – COVID-19 Evidence-based Response (REHCOVER) action: the last update of the rapid living systematic review - Maria Gabriella Ceravolo
Problems and solutions for evidence-generation in rehabilitation - Stefano Negrini
Cochrane Rehabilitation was founded as a Field of the Cochrane Collaboration in 2016. Its vision is: "A world where all clinical decisions in rehabilitation are based on the best available evidence that is easily accessible and understood by all rehabilitation stakeholders." We are a bridge between Cochrane and rehabilitation stakeholders.
The mission of Cochrane Rehabilitation is to improve the production, synthesis, dissemination, implementation and impact of rehabilitation evidence at an individual, organisational and health policy level, with a global view beyond professions, culture, language and economic resources. We aim to promote evidence-based clinical practice that integrates research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values.
We work, on the one hand, on knowledge translation and dissemination and, on the other, on methodological issues in the field of rehabilitation. -
XI. Spinal Cord Injury: Prevention is better than cure
International Spinal Cord Society – Introducing goals of ISCoS-ESPRM MoU - ISCoS Secretary - Christina-Anastasia Rapidi
ISCoS Prevention Committee - Preventing SCI - Introduction - Belgin Erhan
Preventing complications following SCI, Acute phase - Xiaolei Hu
Preventing complications following SCI, Sub-acute phase: highlighting muscle & bone health - Yannis Dionyssiotis
Christina Anastasia Rapidi
Current position: Head of PRM Department of the General Hospital “G.Gennimatas” (NHS) in Athens, Greece, a training department for the PRM specialty. Since 2008 certified European Board Trainer in PRM. Secretary of International Spinal Cord Society (ISCoS). Head of the Special Interest Scientific Committee of ESPRM for SCI. President of the Hellenic SCI section of the Hellenic Society of PRM, an affiliated member of ISCoS. Associated editor of Spinal Cord Series and Cases. Member of the Neuro-urology promotion committee of the International Continence Society (ICS). Special interests: neurorehabilitation, spinal cord injury, autonomic nervous system dysfunction, spasticity, pain, pelvic floor rehabilitation.
Belgin Erhan
Professor Belgin Erhan is the Head Physcian at PRM Department of Istanbul Medeniyet University, School of MedicineShe is the Chair of International Spinal Cord Society (ISCoS) Prevention Committee since 2021 and a Board Member of ISCoS. She is also a fellow at ISCoSProf. Erhan received her MD degree and completed her residency at Istanbul University in 1989 and 1995 respectively. In 1993 she worked as a visiting resident at West Los Angeles VA Medical Center as a part of the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) Multicampus PMR Residency Programme.For the last 25 years, she has been writing, publishing, and presenting her experiences, observations and trials about the rehabilitation of patients with severe neurological disorders especially SCI and related topics.Produced more than 200 articles for national and international peer review journals. Edited five books in the field of spinal cord injury rehabilitation and spasticity management.She is the founder and the President of national Neurotoxin Society.She is the President of Spinal Cord Injury Study Group of Turkish PMR Specialist Society since 2021.She is the Co-chair of the Spasticity Study Group of Turkish Society of PMR.She had worked for several terms as a board member of national Society of Spinal Cord Diseases which is affiliated with International Spinal Cord Society (ISCoS).She is a member of International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM), European Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ESPRM), Turkish Society of PMR and Mediterranean Forum of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (MFPRM)Led over 100 workshops and training symposiums on SCI management, pain management, ultrasound guided botulinum toxin injections, spasticity management, neurologic diseases rehabilitation and osteoporosis management.Involved in the organization committees of numerous International meetings including: ISCoS Meeting 2013, World Congress for Neurorehabilitation 2014, INEREM 2015, ISNEREM 2016 and ISPRM World Congress 2009. -
Xiaolei Hu
Xiaolei Hu, MD, PhD is an associate Professor in Rehabilitation Medicine at Umeå University, and works as a Senior Consultant PRM physician, researcher, and educator in University Hospital of Umeå, Sweden. She is the Chair of the Stroke Special Interest Scientific Committee and the member of the executive Committee in European Society of Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine. Her scientific interests focus mainly on rehabilitation after stroke, traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injury, including evaluating a digital tool, cognitive recovery, neuroplasticity, and implementation of evidence-based rehabilitations into the clinical practice.
Yannis Dionyssiotis
Assistant Professor PMR, Medical School, University of Patras & Spinal Cord Injury Clinic, General University Hospital of Patras, Greece
Dr. Yannis Dionyssiotis is specialized in Physical Medicineand Rehabilitation. He completed his Thesis in Osteoporosis and Metabolic Bone Diseases in the Laboratory for Research of the Musculoskeletal System at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.He also holds a senior European Board Certification in PRM (certified 1/2006, recertification 1/2016) and a Master Thesis in Aging and Chronic Diseases (Hellenic Open University & University of Thessaly Greece).He worked as Physiatrist in Rehabilitation Departments in Greece and Germany.Dr. Dionyssiotis has an extensive list of professional presentations and publications in the areas of rehabilitation, spinal cord injury, sarcopenia, geriatrics, osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis etc.He is Co Editor in Chief in Journal of Frailty, Sarcopenia and Falls (JFSF) (pubmed indexed)Dr. Dionyssiotis is Vice Chair of Prevention Committee International Society of Spinal Cord (ISCOS), Chair of ISCOS’ SIG Climate and Health and Treasurer of ISCOS’ Nutrition SIGPresident of the Geriatric Section of the Hellenic Society of PRM (HeGeSPRM), Member of the board of Hellenic Spinal Cord Section PRM (HeSCOS) and Advisory Board Member of Sustain Our Abilities Organization in the USA.In 2023 he has founded the Institute for Rehabilitation and Prevention of Disability "Claudius Galenus˝.
Chairperson: Roberto Casale
Friday April 26 2024, 8:30 - 10:00
Conference secretariat Information
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