ESPRM2024, Programme
Workshops - 23 April 2024
12:00 - 17:30
Levent Özçakar
This 1/2-day course will comprise theoretical and practical training on ultrasound examination of the upper limb joints i.e. shoulder, elbow and wrist/hand. Starting with basic principals, the participants will be able to follow lectures on joint scanning, exemplary pathologies as well as pertinent interventions. During the hands-on practical sessions, they will image normal subjects in groups of 6-7 participants per station i.e 1 instructor and 1 ultrasound machine.
Limited space
Fee: 40€
Biography - Levent Özçakar
- Professor at Hacettepe University Medical School, Department of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Ankara, Turkey.
- Main areas of interest include musculoskeletal ultrasonography and scientific publishing.
Authored over 740 publications in various international journals indexed by SCI/SCI-Exp. Reviewer for 93 international journals indexed by SCI/SCI-Exp. - Editor, Joint Diseases and Related Surgery
- Associate Editor, European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
- Book Editor, Musculoskeletal Ultrasound in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Sonographic Atlas for Common Musculoskeletal Pathologies, Ultrasound Imaging and Guidance for Musculoskeletal Interventions in PRM
- USPRM, ISarcoPRM, Special Interest Scientific Committee of ESPRM on Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
12:00 - 13:30
Ultrasound muscle anatomy (Neck, Upper Limb, Lower Limb) for botulin toxin injection – Hands-on practice on healthy models - FULL
AnuYoga – Iyengar Yoga Rehabilitation
Putting the bio-psycho-social model of chronic pain management into practice. A case based interactive
EMG Examination and Interpretation of the Cases
Rajiv Reebye, Serdar Kocer, Klemen Grabljevec
Participants will practice the ultrasound assisted muscle localisation technique for botulin injections in neck, upper limb and lower limb.
Biography - Serdar Kocer
Limited space
Fee: 40€
Iyengar yoga emphasizes precise poses to connect body and mind. The first part of this 2 hours workshop will teach rehab staff yoga as a tool to manage burnout. Participants will take a practical yoga class to experience immediate boosts in energy, vitality, and focus. Second part of the workshop will present case studies demonstrating yoga's rehab benefits for orthopedic, respiratory, and neurological patients when integrated into multidisciplinary rehab teams. Experienced AnuYoga teachers will lead discussion and Q&A. The goal is to demonstrate yoga as a simple yet powerful rehabilitative method.
Limited space
Under the guidance of the master B.K.S. Iyengar she experienced profound healing through yoga practice. She became a certified Iyengar teacher and returned to Israel to share her knowledge, establishing a yoga therapy programs in medical settings. The ability of Iyengar Yoga to understand the relation of the way we practice and the effect on body and mind made the program very successful for the patients and the medical stuff.
In this workshop, we will introduce three cases of persistent pain in a child, an adolescent/young adult, and an adult. Different aspects and options of a biopsychosocial approach that apply to chronic pain management in patients at various stages in life are introduced. We will discuss assessment of pain and functioning in a holistic way, importance of pain education, individualized treatment and rehabilitation plan with a variety of pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment options, importance of peer support etc.. The workshop invites participants to interact both through smartphones and live discussions. Participants can also ask questions about their own patients with persistent pain.
Biography - Minna Ståhl
Minna Ståhl is a Finnish PRM physician with a degree in advanced pain medicine. She did her PhD on non-specific neck pain in children and adolescent populations. She has more than 20 years of clinical experience in management of persistent pain in children, adolescents, and adults. Minna is the founder and the current leader of Finnish Centre for Children and Adolescent Pain Management and Research in HUS New Children’s hospital, which is the leading public tertiary hospital in Finland. Her paediatric pain team consists of 17 multiprofessional member working inter- and transdisciplinary way in all types of pain. Minna is also a Finnish delegate in ESPRM and UEMS PRM, and a co-leader of the ESPRM SISC for PRM in Children.
Biography - Zala Kuret
Zala Kuret is a Slovenian PRM physician. She has been the head of the Outpatient department at the University rehabilitation institute Republic of Slovenia since 2020. Her main clinical focus is on treating patients with chronic pain and fibromyalgia. In the scope of the Outpatient clinic a team of different health professionals has established an interdisciplinary program for treating patients with chronic pain. Beside clinical work Zala is also the president of the Slovenian PRM society and the national manager for the PRM residents.
Biography - Nika Bolle
Nika Bolle is a Slovenian clinical psychologist. She leads an interdisciplinary rehabilitation team that specializes in chronic pain management in adult patients at the University Rehabilitation Institute Republic of Slovenia. Currently she is developing a new health programme for late adolescents and young adults with chronic non-malignant pain. She is involved in a multi-year project implementing interdisciplinary chronic pain management in Slovenian primary healthcare. Her other clinical work includes patient selection in spinal cord stimulation.
Fee: 20€
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Gulseren Akyuz
- Importance of EMG in PMR practice- how to order and report? - Prof Dr Gulseren Akyuz (15 minutes)
- Radiculopathies, when and why EMG? - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Esra Giray (15 minutes)
- Is EMG grading meaningful in entrapment neuropathies? - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ozge Kenis-Coskun (15 minutes)
- Peripheral neuropathies- Prof. Dr. Evrim Karadag-Saygi (15 minutes)
- Case-based discussion (Gulseren Akyuz, Evrim Karadag-Saygi, Esra Giray, Ozge Kenis-Coskun) (30minutes)
Prof. Dr. Gulseren AkyuzCurrent Positions:- Director of PM&R Outpatient Clinic and Clinical Neurophysiology Laboratory at SANTE Medical Center, Istanbul, TURKEY- Senior Professor in Marmara University School of Medicine, Dept of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation/Division of Pain Medicine/Clinical Neurophysiology Laboratory/Osteoporosis Unit, Istanbul, TURKEYInternational Awards and Positions:- Lifetime Fellowship given by UEMS- 2022- Haim Ring Memorial Award Individual given by ISPRM- 2021- Sydneylicht Lectureship Award given by ISPRM- 2009Job Experience:- President of MFPRM (2015-2019)- President of EFRR (2013-2015)- President of Turkish Society of PMR (2010-2013)- Representative Member of Turkish Society of PMR in ISPRM (2007-2020)Esra Giray, MD, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation SpecialistEducational BackgroundCerrahpasa University Medical Faculty, Istanbul, TurkeyJob Experience- Residency at Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation: Marmara University Medical Faculty, Istanbul, Turkey (2011-2016)- Assistant Professor at Koc University School of Medicine Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (2020-2021)- Associate Professor at University of Health Sciences Fatih Sultan Mehmet Research and Training Hospital (2021 – current position)Special Interest Areas- Neuropediatric Rehabilitation- Musculoskeletal Ultrasound- Botulinum toxin injection and phenol blocks for spasticity management- Electrophysiology- Dysphagia Rehabilitation- Prosthetics and Orthotics, Amputee Rehabilitation- Medical statistics, Designing a Scientific Research Project and Scientific Manuscript WritingMemberships- Turkish Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation- European Forum for Research in Rehabilitation (EFRR)- Mediterranean Forum of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (MFPRM)- International Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (ISPRM)- The International Society of Lymphology (ISL)Özge Keniş Coşkun, MD, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist
Educational BackgroundUniversity: Marmara University Medical Faculty, Istanbul, TurkeyJob Experience- Residency at Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation: Marmara University Medical Faculty, Istanbul, Turkey (2011-2015)- UEMS Summer School of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation – Riga Latvia (2014)- Assistant Professor: Marmara University Medical Faculty (2017-2021)- Associate Professor : Marmara University Medical Faculty (2021 – current position)Special Interest Areas- Musculoskeletal ultrasound- Electrophysiology- Intraarticular injections- Botulinum toxin applications- Dry needling applications- Neurological rehabilitation- Pulmonary rehabilitationMemberships- International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM)- European Forum for Rehabilitation in Research (EFRR)- Turkish Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (TSPMR)- Mediterranean Forum of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (MFPRM)Evrim Karadağ Saygı, MD, Msc, Professor
Educational Background- University: Marmara University Medical Faculty, Istanbul, TurkeyJob Experience- Associate Professor: Marmara University School of Medicine Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation- Professor: Marmara University School of Medicine Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (2016-current position)Special Interest Areas- Neuropediatric Rehabilitation- Botulinum toxin injection and intrathecal baclofen pump for spasticity management- Electrophysiology- Pulmonary rehabilitation- Prosthetics and OrthoticsMemberships- Vice President of European Forum for Research in Rehabilitation (EFRR)- Vice President of Turkish Society of Pediatric Rehabilitation- International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM)- Turkish Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation- Mediterranean Forum of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (MFPRM)Certification- UEMS Board- Turkish National Board
14:00 - 15:30
Pros and cons of routinely collecting data in PRM
Degenerative meniscus rehabilitation
Shock wave therapy
Review Procedure in Scientific Publishing
Prevention is better than cure - CANCELLED
- João Pinheiro, Pedro Lemos: IntroductionCurrent elements of the topic and epidemiological references are presented.
- Pedro Figueiredo: Anatomical and functional conceptsAspects related to structure, vascular and innervation characteristics and their relationship with meniscus function are presented. Topics in degenerative process of meniscus as well as the impact in functionality.
- João Paulo Branco: Clinical diagnosisThe clinical examination of the degenerative meniscus, the specificity and sensitivity of the tests are presented. We also described the diagnostic correlation between clinical manoveurs and imaging.
- Lurdes Rovisco : Program definition and validationWe present the clinical validation methodology of this program, through the intervention of experts supported by individual experience and the best evidence.
- João Pinheiro: Rehabilitation programThe different phases of the rehabilitation program are presented, organized into weeks and objectives. Pain and inflammation, joint mobility, muscle strength, prorioception and aerobic condition are mentioned as main intervention areas. The importance of counseling and access to information is also described.
- Discussion and conclusions
Fee: 20€
- Welcome and introduction
- RC tendinopathy & myofascial pain syndrome - N. Barotsis
- Plantar Fasciitis & Achilles tendinopathy - A. Ilieva
Fee: 40€
Performing reviews can be beneficial for young clinicians and researchers.
In this workshop, we will give short presentations on the procedure of peer review, the pitfalls and the advantages.
Most of the workshop will be in an interactive form in which different articles or sections will be presented and discussed with the participants. In this way, they learn how to conduct a review.
Knowing how to do a review will also support young researchers in improving their writing skills.
Biography - prof. Henk Stam
Prof. Henk Stam MD, PhD, FRCP (1953) was Head and Chair of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine since 1994 until September 2018 at Erasmus University Medical Center in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
He is past president of the European Federation of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and founder and past president of the European Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine.
Henk Stam has an interest in objective long-term measurement of activities, posture and movement, physiology of exercise and inactivity, spasticity and shockwave medicine.
In 2012 he was editor in chief of the book “Acute Medical Rehabilitation”, Volume I (also in Chinese and Rumanian translation).In 2013 he received the Sidney Licht Lectureship Award of International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine.
Since 2016 he is Editor in Chief of the Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, the official journal of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine.
In 2017 he was co-founder of Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine -Clinical Communications, a journal that publishes papers with specific interest for clinicians instead of researchers.
In 2018 he published an educational book “Dilemmas in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine”.
He is (co) author of more than 300 research papers in peer reviewed journals and he supervised 48 PhD projects.
He was was the President of the European Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 2019-2023.
Currently he is medical director of a chain of clinics for hand – and wrist rehabilitation and runs a private practice for musculo-skeletal conditions
No Fee
Christina-Anastasia Rapidi and Belgin Erhan
- Preventing SCI - Introduction 5min (Prof.Belgin Erhan)
- Preventing complications following SCI, Acute phase (Xiaolei Hu) 15min
- Preventing complications following SCI, Sub-acute phase: highlighting muscle & bone health (As.Prof. Yannis Dionyssiotis) 15min
- Preventing complications following SCI, Chronic phase: prevention of pressure injury (Martin Donhauser) 15min
- Discussion 10min
Biography Belgin Erhan
Professor Belgin Erhan is the Head Physcian at PMR Department of Istanbul Medeniyet University, School of Medicine
She is the Chair of International Spinal Cord Society (ISCoS) Prevention Committee since 2021 and a Board Member of ISCoS. She is also a fellow at ISCoS
Prof. Erhan received her MD degree and completed her residency at Istanbul University in 1989 and 1995 respectively. In 1993 she worked as a visiting resident at West Los Angeles VA Medical Center as a part of the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) Multicampus PMR Residency Programme.
For the last 25 years, she has been writing, publishing and presenting her experiences, observations and trials about the rehabilitation of patients with severe neurological disorders especially SCI and related topics.
Produced more than 200 articles for national and international peer review journals. Edited five books in the field of spinal cord injury rehabilitation and spasticity management.
Fee: 20€
16:00 - 17:30
Clinical diagnostics for sciatica patients
Prosthetic puzzles in finger and partial hand prostheses
Ethical issues in Rehabilitation
Metka Moharić
Pierre DenysChristina Anastasia Rapidi
Case presentations with interactive discussion on urodynamics, diagnosis of the specific neurogenic bladder dysfunction, management, and follow-up.
Biography Christina Anastasia Rapidi, MD, PhD, LFEBPRM
Current position: Head of PRM Department of the General Hospital “G.Gennimatas” (NHS) in Athens, Greece, a training department for the PRM specialty. Since 2008 certified European Board Trainer in PRM. Secretary of International Spinal Cord Society (ISCoS). Head of the Special Interest Scientific Committee of ESPRM for SCI. President of the Hellenic SCI section of the Hellenic Society of PRM, an affiliated member of ISCoS. Associated editor of Spinal Cord Series and Cases. Member of the Neuro-urology promotion committee of the International Continence Society (ICS). Special interests: neurorehabilitation, spinal cord injury, autonomic nervous system dysfunction, spasticity, pain, pelvic floor rehabilitation.
4.Case report 1 (a case of cervical SCI revealing “ethical” and “long-term” problems of choosing the bladder emptying method) - Antonios Kontaxakis
Dr.Antonios Kontaxakis is a Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation physician working in the 414 Military Hospital, Athens Greece, trained in the PMR dept of General Hospital of Athens "G.Gennimatas". Special interest in spinal cord injury, sexual rehabilitation and autonomic disorders including neurogenic bowel & bladder and cardiovascular impairment. Due to the pandemic, have increasingly been dealing with Long Covid and related post-infectious conditions such as ME/CFS, POTS, MCAS.
5.Case report 2 (a case of incomplete SCI revealing problems of patients’ compliance and increased risk of complications due to combined methods of bladder emptyind, i.e. IC and “voluntary” voiding) - Angeliki Galata
Dr. Angeliki Galata, Senior Fellow of European Board of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (PRM), is consultant in PRM dept. of the National Rehabilitation Center (Ilion, Athens) and head of the Pelvic Floor Dysfunction outpatient clinic. She holds a Ph.D. thesis on “The assessment of pelvic floor muscle training in women with stress incontinence”. She is elected member of the Neurological Rehabilitation section of the Hellenic Society of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation and member of the International Continence Society (ICS), the International Spinal Cord Injury Society (ISCoS), and the European and International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ESPRM and ISPRM).6.Case report 3 (a case of cauda equina lesion revealing problems of patients’ compliance and “long-term” problems of deterioration of the upper urinary tract due to Crede or Valsava as preferred method by the patient) - Ana Saksidaee:40€
Clinical diagnostics for sciatica patients (1,5 hour)
- Introduction. Clinical examination for radiculopathy. Professor Olavi Airaksinen (Kuopio, Finland)
- Normative values of spinal cord displacement for leg raise test.
- Reduced Spinal Cord Movement With the Straight Leg Raise Test in Patients With Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Herniation and normalization after 1,5 years follow-up. Associate Professor Marinko Rade (Rovinj, Croatia).
- Extending the straight leg raise test for improved clinical evaluation of sciatica: validity and diagnostic performance with reference to the magnetic resonance imaging
- Conclusion. PhD Janne Pesonen (Kuopio, Finland)
In this our workshop, we are presenting clinical and experimental data elucidating the quantification of neural movements within the vertebral canal through non-invasive methodologies, and presenting clinical prognostic models integrating this knowledge.
These movements exhibit predictability, consistency, and hold potential for the development of robust clinical prognostic models.
Validated in clinical environments, these models demonstrate substantial high validity and strong association with both lumbar disc herniation and nerve root compression seen in the MRI.
Importantly, they offer a novel approach for identifying prevalent 'false positive' MRI outcomes in control cohorts.
This workshop underscores the paramount significance of thorough clinical examinations over reliance on advanced diagnostic imaging technologies.
Olavi Airaksinen (Kuopio, Finland)MD PhD, Senior Consultant of Kuopio University Hospital. Professor of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (PRM) in University of Eastern Finland.Clinical work I have done from 1980´s at Kuopio University Hospital. Since 1988 I have been the main supervisor for PMR education at Kuopio University Hospital and University of Eastern Finland (former Kuopio University).
I have published 209 Original articles (published or accepted for publication) in peer reviewed indexed International Journals, over 50 other articles or review articles in International Journals and eight review articles in Finnish Journals, over 30 chapters of books and 60 other publications and over 300 communications in International Medical Congresses concerning of the following topics: spinal stenosis, pain management, treatment of oedema, diagnostics and treatment of low back pain, diagnostics and treatment of sports injuries and the use of surface EMG as measurement of muscle fatigue and muscular activity.
I have been also a referee over ten peer -reviewed Medical Journals. Until now I have supervised 31 Thesis for PhD exams.
My special Interest areas are Back Pain, in generally Pain and Sports medicine.
Marinko Rade (Rovinj, Croatia, Kuopio, Finland)
Research Advisor and Scientist (Finland, Croatia, United Kingdom): carrying +2 million EUR EU-funded research projects on regeneration of intervertebral discs by memory-depleted stem cells, supervisor of PhD students, winner of international scientific awards and the National Award for Science given by the Croatian Parliament. Envisioned and authored the lines of research in neuroradiology and neurophysiology carried at the Department of PRM and presented in this workshop. Associate Professor of Anatomy and Neuroscience at Faculty of Medicine, University of Osijek (Croatia), Pula University (Croatia), Department for Health Sciences, Medicine and Research, Faculty of Health and Medicine, Krems University (Austria).
Chief Executive Officer of Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Hospital "Martin Horvat" Rovinj (Croatia): envisioned, planned, communicated and managed the turnover project encompassing 22 million EUR investments altogether. Over a nine-year period, with precisely defined business strategy, management of focused investments, employer branding, attraction and careful selection and coaching of human resources, increased total revenues by 88,1%, with an increase in employees of only 3%. My Global Executive Master in Business Administration gives me a breadth of knowledge.
Also member of managing boards with a proven track of change management.
Janne Pesonen (Finland)Fee: 20€
Prof. Corry K. van der Sluis MD PhD, consultant for Rehabilitation Medicine, University Medical Center Groningen, the Netherlands,
Maaike Lange, MD, consultant for Rehabilitation Medicine, De Hoogstraat Rehabilitation, Utrecht, the NetherlandsFinger and partial hand amputations are the most frequently treated amputations in clinical practice. However, for a long time only scarce attention has been paid to the prosthetic solutions for these distal levels of amputations. Since a few years, more prosthetic solutions are available on the market. Furthermore, many adaptive devices are available. Since not only the finger and partial hand amputations vary largely, but also the patients’ features and preferences, the best prosthetic solution for a patient can be a puzzle. To achieve the best solution, a team effort is mostly required. During this interactive workshop, we will share some cases with finger or partial hand amputations with the audience. We will reveal the patients’ goals for treatment. The audience will be asked to share their thoughts about prosthetic solutions or adaptive devices. Finally, for each case we will show how we solved the prosthetic puzzle in collaboration with the patient.
Limited spaceFee: 20€
Biography: Corry K. van der Sluis (1964) is a professor and consultant for Rehabilitation Medicine at the University Medical Center Groningen, the Netherlands. Her field of interest is the rehabilitation of persons with upper limb disorders. Her professional activities comprise patient care, teaching and research. Her research focuses mainly on upper limb amputations and prostheses. A main research topic is the development of training programs for people who use upper limb prostheses. Innovative technology such as serious games are integrated in this research. A second main research topic is the decrease and prevention of musculoskeletal complaints in persons with upper limb disorders. She is author of over 130 internationally peer reviewed publications and she contributed as an author to 8 book chapters. She gave over 70 international presentations.
Biography: Maaike Lange (1977) is currently working as a consultant in rehabilitation medicine at the Upper Extremity Unit in De Hoogstraat rehabilitation centre Utrecht/ Diakonessenhuis Utrecht.
Main topic is upper limb disorders with prothesiology of the upper extremity and traumatic arm-hand.
Biography - prof. Henk Stam
Prof. Henk Stam MD, PhD, FRCP (1953) was Head and Chair of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine since 1994 until September 2018 at Erasmus University Medical Center in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
He is past president of the European Federation of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and founder and past president of the European Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine.
Henk Stam has an interest in objective long-term measurement of activities, posture and movement, physiology of exercise and inactivity, spasticity and shockwave medicine.
In 2012 he was editor in chief of the book “Acute Medical Rehabilitation”, Volume I (also in Chinese and Rumanian translation).In 2013 he received the Sidney Licht Lectureship Award of International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine.
Since 2016 he is Editor in Chief of the Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, the official journal of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine.
In 2017 he was co-founder of Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine -Clinical Communications, a journal that publishes papers with specific interest for clinicians instead of researchers.
In 2018 he published an educational book “Dilemmas in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine”.
He is (co) author of more than 300 research papers in peer reviewed journals and he supervised 48 PhD projects.
He was was the President of the European Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 2019-2023.
Currently he is medical director of a chain of clinics for hand – and wrist rehabilitation and runs a private practice for musculo-skeletal conditions
Summary Ethical dilemmas in Rehabilitation medicineIn Rehabilitation Medicine, ethical questions are more common than most can imagine. The explanation is that we usually do not recognize a particular situation as an ethical issue but rather as a common problem that requires a simple solution. The more experienced we become, the more we tend to solve a problem without further careful consideration: “jumping to solutions”.In this interactive presentation, I will try to increase your awareness of ethical issues in clinical practice, research and education of Rehabilitation Medicine.An important principle is that ethical issues or dilemmas are best dealt with by considering several options instead of focusing on one correct answer or solution. Reflection on different options and attempting to provide arguments for each solution assists in creating a broader vision of the ethical question and understanding people with different viewpoints.As a result, there is no single right or wrong answer for an ethical question: the best answer or solution may depend on the personal circumstances of the patient or the physician, religious or cultural influences, legal restraints, etc.To prepare yourself for this presentation, I will present one situation.Your homework is to reflect on this situation and to formulate four potential solutions, including arguments to support each of the four solutions. I encourage you to discuss with your collegues and find out how different people respond to seemingly straightforward ethical situations.Ethical dilemma ITreating knee arthritis with ineffective physical therapy.You take over a private outpatient clinic for PRM for predominantly musculoskeletal patients. It appears that your predecessor treated a large group of elderly patients with knee osteoarthritis with ultra-short wave therapy, which is, according to the Cochrane Reviews, ineffective.The treatment is reimbursed by health insurance.What do you do ??No Fee
Workshops - 27 April 2024
8:30 - 10:00
Biography - Nathan Zasler
Dr. Zasler is Founder, CEO & Medical Director of Concussion Care Centre of Virginia, as well as Founder and current Medical Director of Tree of Life in Richmond, Virginia. Dr. Zasler is board certified in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R), fellowship trained in brain injury and subspecialty certified in Brain Injury Medicine. He is an affiliate professor in the VCU Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Richmond, VA, and a visiting professor in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville. He is Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson Emeritus of the International Brain Injury Association (IBIA). He has published over 200 peer reviewed articles and authored over 60 book chapters. Dr. Zasler has published and lectured extensively on TBI related neuromedical issues and has edited 8 textbooks including “Brain Injury Medicine: Principals and Practice” now in its third edition. He is chief editor of two international peer reviewed journals: “Brain Injury”, and “NeuroRehabilitation” as well as chief editor of “Brain Injury Professional”. Dr. Zasler serves on multiple journal editorial boards and as a reviewer for over 20 international peer reviewed journals. He is active in local, national and international organizations dealing with acquired brain injury and neurodisability, serving or having served in numerous consultant and board member roles. He has received numerous awards, been repeatedly recognized by “Best Doctors.” and has also received numerous community patient awards for his clinical services. Dr. Zasler is an advocate, educator, clinical researcher, inventor, entrepreneur and busy practicing clinician who is involved with community-based neurorehabilitation, chronic post-trauma pain management, and health care consultation, both clinical and medicolegal.
Limited space - 50 pax limit
Fee: 20€