Biography - Catarina Aguiar Branco
Anda Nulle, MD
Iuly Treger, MD, PhD, MHA
Lecture time: 15 min
Eleftheria Antoniadou, MD PhD sFEBPMR
Lecture time: 15 min
Shay Ofir-Geva, MD
Lecture time: 15 min
Lena Lutsky, MD, MHA
Lecture time: 15 min
- 180 beds, 220 places for ambulatory and alternative hospitalization
- PRM children and adults (neurology, polytraumatology, pediatrics, locomotion, nutrition)
- 22 PRM-MD
- 75 conferences or communications (10 internationals)
- 20 didactic publications : articles and book chapters
- 85 scientific publications
Perrouin-Verbe Brigitte
This session is organized by the European Academy Rehabilitation Medicine (EARM), under the responsibility of the Prize Committee. The EARM Awards for the years 2022 and 2023 will be presented and delivered.
Each presentation will last 15 minutes, followed by a 5-minute discussion at the end of presentation, as well as the delivery of the respective Prize.
All EARM Members are invited to participate in the discussion of the presentations.
Scientific program
2022 - Dra. Joana Barroso / recorded presentation
Brain Mechanisms of Osteoarthritis Pain.
2022 - Dra. Marieke Coussens / in-person presentation
Participation of Children with Developmental Disabilities Perspectives and Assessment.
2023 - Dra Anke Scheel-Sailer / in-person presentation
Implementation of an ICF-based rehabilitation for patients with spinal cord injury and disorder to enhance quality at the individual, health services, and national level.
Conclusion – Gerold Stucky
Dra. Joana Barroso - Brain Mechanisms of Osteoarthritis Pain
Dra. Marieke Coussens - Participation of Children with Developmental Disabilities Perspectives and Assessment
Current position: Head of PRM Department of the General Hospital “G.Gennimatas” (NHS) in Athens, Greece, a training department for the PRM specialty. Since 2008 certified European Board Trainer in PRM. Secretary of International Spinal Cord Society (ISCoS). Head of the Special Interest Scientific Committee of ESPRM for SCI. President of the Hellenic SCI section of the Hellenic Society of PRM, an affiliated member of ISCoS. Associated editor of Spinal Cord Series and Cases. Member of the Neuro-urology promotion committee of the International Continence Society (ICS). Special interests: neurorehabilitation, spinal cord injury, autonomic nervous system dysfunction, spasticity, pain, pelvic floor rehabilitation.
Belgin Erhan