Imre Cikajlo received the Ph.D. degree in robotics and electrical engineering from the University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia. From 2003 until 2004 he was a post-doc Fellow at the Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, and in 2007 a visiting researcher at University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. Currently he is a Full Professor of electrical engineering and a Dean of the School of Engineering and Management and a Senior Researcher at University Rehabilitation Institute Soča.
His research interests include biomechanics, integration of sensory information, control of machine and human movements , rehabilitation robotics and integration of virtual reality and artificial intelligence into robotics. He has published more than 100 high impact journal papers, chapters in esteemed books and serves as an associate editor of PloSOne and member of the editorial board of International Journal of Rehabilitation Research.
Presentation Title: Computer gait analysis in clinical settings with markers or artificial intelligence