State University of Novi Pazar, Department of Biomedical Research, European Center for Peace and Development of University for Peace est. by United Nations, Belgrade, Serbia
2022. full Professor of PRM, State University in Novi Pazar, Department of Biomedical Research, Serbia
2012. full Professor of PRM, Medical Faculty University of Belgrade, Serbia
2007. full Professor of PRM, Medical Faculty University of Nis, Serbia
2007. full professor of the European Center for Peace and Development (ECPD) of the University for Peace established by the United Nations, with headquarters in Belgrade
2020. Visiting professor, Medical Faculty University of Banja Luka, R. Srpska, BIH Immediate Past Director of the Institute for Rehabilitation, Belgrade, Serbia
2023. Past president of the Mediterranean Forum of PRM
Congress President ESPRM 2020
Chair ESPRM SISC in Cardiovascular Diseases
Chair ESPRM SISC in Cardiovascular Diseases to include ESPRM at the beginning of 2018 in the ICCPR, scientific and professional work of the World Heart Federation, which represents a major contribution to the affirmation of PRM
Over 400 publications in journals are the result of team work in the implementation of rehabilitation of special groups of cardiac patients (elderly patients, patients with heart failure and patients with co-morbidities).
Presentation title: Safety of exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation patients with frailty and heart failure